Gilbertson Nature Center, Postville, IA

Project Manager/Content Developer:
Lilly Jensen, Northeast lowa RC&D

Austin Feverhelm

Mammoth Interpretive Display

In 1981, Fayette County Conservation Director, Rod Marlatt, unearthed a mammoth jaw bone while on a fishing expedition in Washington County, IA. The discovery was later confirmed to be the lower jaw of a mammoth by a state paleontologist. 40+ years later, the Marlatt family donated the piece to Gilbertson Nature Center in Elgin, IA for all to experience.

Fayette County Conservation partnered with Northeast lowa RC&D for the development of display and exhibit panels for the Gilbertson Nature Center. iZone’s High Pressure Laminate was selected for its high quality graphics, durability, and ease of maintenance. The display includes a pair of replica mammoth tusks, original artwork, and information about the once-in-a-lifetime discovery, as well as the history of the woolly mammoth.

Special thank you to Fayette County Conservation who gifted a Bird Aviary that was used to house the display and Austin Feverhelm for his original artwork.